Section II.A.4.n.).(5) of the CPR’s currently require the Program Director to obtain review and approval of either the GMEC or DIO before submitting a response to a proposed adverse action. The Common Program Requirements, which will become effective July 1, 2015, this will no longer be a requirement.
While it may not be necessary with the Next Accreditation System, it leads to a question of autonomy given the heightened responsibilities of the GMEC and the DIO. Does or should your organization have a policy requiring programs to obtain GMEC/DIO review and/or approval before submitting data and documentation to the ACGME? The answer depends on your organizational and/or GME culture, the experience level of your GMEC, DIO, and Program Director(s), the success with which your programs achieve their outcomes, and other factors.
Remember, once submitted, you cannot take it back. We at Partners in Medical Education will be happy to assist you with the assessment of your policy and organizational needs. Our goal is to ensure that your submissions effectively communicate the success of your programs.