Heads up Phase II NAS Programs – by now you should have formed your Clinical Competency Committee (CCC) and have completed a trial run or two. Effective July 1, 2014, you will be required to use a CCC to evaluate your residents every six months. Don’t let this requirement sneak up on you. Be proactive by having the following in place by July: a) create your policy on the duties and responsibilities of your Clinical Competency Committee following the guidelines from the common program requirements and your RRC b) appoint CCC members and ensure they know their roles and responsibilities c) perform a dry run or two to get a feel for the process and working in a group environment d) use the lessons you learned from your dry run to determine if any changes to evaluations are necessary in order to give you the information that you need to accurately and efficiently evaluate your residents on your specialty milestones.
Heads up Phase II NAS Programs
February 17, 2014
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