The institutional requirements were aligned to follow the six CLER focus areas. Over the next few months, we will take a look at each of the six learning and working environment requirements and provide some questions for you to think about in order to gauge how well you meet the requirement. This month we will take a look at Duty hours, fatigue management and mitigation.
III.B. The Sponsoring Institution is responsible for the oversight and documentation of resident/fellow engagement in:
III.B.5. Duty Hours, Fatigue Management, and Mitigation: The Sponsoring Institution must oversee:
III.B.5.a) resident/fellow duty hours consistent with the Common and specialty/subspecialty –specific Program Requirements across all programs, addressing areas of non-compliance in a timely manner;
Questions to ask yourself:
- Are your policies updated and consistent across all programs?
- Does the GMEC regularly review resident duty hours?
- Does the GMEC track instances of non-compliance?
III.B.5.b) systems of care and learning and working environments that facilitate fatigue management and mitigation for residents/fellows; and,
Questions to ask yourself:
- Are resident schedules made to reflect duty hour requirements?
- Are back-up systems available to residents?
- Do residents know they may transition care if they are too fatigued to continue working?
III.B.5.c) an educational program for residents/fellows and core faculty members in fatigue management and mitigation.
Questions to ask yourself:
- Does the institution provide an educational program for residents and faculty?
- Is the program effective?
- Does the GMEC track resident and faculty participation in the educational program?