How do I access Live Webinar Materials?

How do I access Live Webinar Materials?

These instructions apply to the following scenarios:

  • You are a Passport Subscription Holder at an Institution
  • You have purchased a Live Webinar from our Education Store

Video Tutorial

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Go to
  2. At the top of the page, click the “Webinar Materials” link in the dark gray menu bar
  3. When the page loads, click the red link that corresponds to the webinar you will be attending
  4. When the next page loads, enter the 7-character password you received from Douglas Knox
  5. Enter the password, and click the red “Submit” button
  6. Once the page loads, click the “Download” button next to each of the Webinar files

in Education Store UsersLive WebinarsPassport Users