Accessing On-Demands (for Passport Users)

Accessing On-Demands (for Passport Users)

These instructions apply to the following scenarios:

  • You are a PassportPLUS User at an Institution

Video Tutorial

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Go to
  2. At the top of the page, click the “On-Demands” link in the dark gray menu bar
  3. When the page loads, enter your email address and password. You will receive this information in an email from Douglas Knox
  4. If you did not receive this email, contact BJ at
  5. Upon successfully logging in, you will be asked to enter some information, including to set a new password. The new password fields are the only fields required
  6. Once you have entered your new password twice, click the red “Continue” button at the bottom of the page
  7. You will now be redirected to the On-Demand Webinar System, where you can access all of the On-Demand Webinars available to your account

in On-Demand WebinarsPassport Users