How do I reset my Education Store password?

How do I reset my Education Store password?

These instructions apply to the following scenarios:

  • You have purchased a Live or On-Demand Webinar from our Education Store

Video Tutorial

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Go to
  2. At the top of the page, click the “Education Store” link in the dark gray menu bar
  3. When the page loads, click the “Access My Account” link in the main menu bar, near the Partners logo
  4. When the page loads, click the red “Lost your password?” link
  5. Check your email for the password reset link
  6. The link will direct you to a page to reset your password
  7. Once you have reset your password, click the link that appears at the top of the page to “Log in”
  8. You can now use your newly reset password to view past purchases, or purchase new Live or On-Demand Webinars

in Education Store Users