Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Its Impact on GME
Presenter: Heather Peters, M. Ed, PhD
Tori Hanlon, MS, CHCP
Recorded: August, 2020
Webinar Description:
During the spring, due to the COVID-19 alterations to our educational programs, AI (Artificial Intelligence) was front and center. How can we prepare our faculty and our trainees for this shift in medical training?
Webinar Objectives:
- DISCUSS types of Artificial Intelligence (AI) requiring curricular changes
- Telehealth
- Medical Information Explosion
- Big Data
- INVESTIGATE the impact of AI on the future of GME
- How to weave AI into the the Core Competency Framework across specialties
- How to teach educational agility and a new paradigm for change
- How to influence the drivers of AI development of the future to positively impact GME
- Leveraging Journal Club to Meet Common Program Requirements
- Model for Curriculum Development
- Assessing Institutional/Program Readiness for Integrating AI into GME
August, 2020