Resident orientation is right around the corner. We are starting to prepare now and use the format of yesteryears. There are lines of people who want to talk to the newbies, sharing their years of experience in areas such as risk management, value-based purchasing, performance excellence (HCAP’s), Joint Commission. The new resident’s eyes glass over as they try to process what they need to know to provide the best patient care. We load other content into computer-based learning models. All the while we believe we have set expectations and provided information for them to integrate in their new role!
Let’s talk about how to structure a more active learning structure for orientation! The retention of information by reading, lecturing, or through audiovisual methods is approximately 20%1. Integration of residents by “doing” and “participating” 2 in orientation increases retention up to 75%! When thinking of orientation make sure to bring active learning activities such as scavenger hunts, simulation, role playing, and games!
1 Bonwell, C.; Eison, J. (1991). Active Learning: Creating Excitement in the Classroom AEHE-ERIC Higher Education Report No. 1. Washington, D.C.: Jossey-Bass. ISBN 1-878380-08-7.
2 Brant, G., Hooper, E., & Sugrue, B. (1991). Which comes first: The simulation or the lecture? Journal of Educational Computing Research, 7(4), 469-481.