Pursuing ACGME-I accreditation is an exciting and scary time for international residency programs and teaching institutions. When considering applying for international accreditation, use the following tips to assist you in your research.
Timing is Everything. International accreditation application time lines are structured to encompass groups of programs and institutions within the same country to apply for initial accreditation around the same time. It is imperative that you start now to develop your accreditation strategy and contact the ACGME-I to inform them of your wish to pursue ACGME-I accreditation. They will give you upcoming time lines and due dates for applications.
Use both the ACGME-I and ACGME website. The ACGME-I website contains requirements and forms for international accreditation. The ACGME website contains policies and procedures for accreditation, FAQ’s for each specialty and newsletters geared towards to your specialties. Use both sites to further your understanding of the accreditation process.
Learn the ACGME language. The language of accreditation can be overwhelming for new programs and institutions. Use the posted glossary for international accreditation and for domestic accreditation to assist you in interpreting the requirements.
Download the sample AIIA, AIPA and Common AIPA for reference and review. These sample documents will give you an idea of the types of data and information that the ACGME-I will collect on your program during the accrediation process. See if you are able to easily obtain the data and from whom you may need to work with to secure current data.
Review the Basics. Although accreditation through ACGME-I may contain requirements that you are not familiar with, many times you are already meeting the requirement through the processes and procedures that you currently follow for accreditation in your country. Compare your country/board specific requirements with ACGME-I requirements. You will find the concepts are the same while implementation and application may be different.
Network with others. Talk to institutions and programs that have gone through ACGME-I accreditation to get a feel for the process and to gain an understanding of some of the issues they may have encountered. The ACGME-I publishes a public list of current ACGME-I accredited programs and institutions on their website.
By preparing yourself and your team, you will be able to successfully navigate the ACGME-I requirements. Partners in Medical Education can provide you with expert guidance and support for successful ACGME-I accreditation, please visit our International Consulting Services page for more information.