In-depth course – Quality Improvement

| January 22, 2018 | Print Article

Throughout the year we will explore quality improvement as our in-depth topic.  Join us on a mini-tour of tools, resources and ways to incorporate quality improvement models in everyday GME.  Our final installment will focus on the latest articles that provide insight and support for implementing quality improvement in GME.  Use these articles to spark discussion at your GMEC or PEC meetings.

Barber, K.H., Schultz, K., Scott, A., Pollock, E., Kotecha, J., & Danyal, M. (2015). Teaching quality improvement in graduate medical education:  An experiential and team-based approach to the acquisition of quality improvement competencies, Academic Medicine, 90(10), 1363-1367 doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000851

Cheung, L. (2017). Safe QI – a framework to overcome the challenges of implementing a quality improvement curriculum into a residency program, Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 8, 779-784 doi: 10.2147/AMEP.S150718

Cioletti, A., Marko, K., & Berger, J. (2017). Institutional review board checklist for trainee quality improvement project approvals, Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 9(3), 371-372 doi: 10.4300/JGME-D-16-00740.1

Rosenbluth, G., Burman, N., Ranji, S., & Boscardin, C. (2017). Development of a multi-domain assessment tool for quality improvement projects, Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 9(4), 473-478 doi: 10.4300/JGME-D-17-00041.1

Venugopal, U., Kasubhai, M., & Parcuhuri, V. (2017). Introduction of a quality improvement curriculum in the department of internal medicine, Lincoln Medical Center, Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspective, 7(1), 2-7 doi: 10.1080/20009666.2016.1265288