Welcome to our newest in-depth course. Over the next several months we will take an in-depth look at the Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC). The standard for the GMEC is found in the Institutional Requirements, Section I.B. Today we will look at GMEC responsibilities.
I.B.4. Responsibilities: GMEC responsibilities must include:
I.B.4.a) Oversight of:
I.B.4.a).(1). The ACGME accreditation status of the Sponsoring Institution and each of its ACGME-accredited programs; (outcome)
- Remember, this refers to the annual letters of notification that all programs receive.
I.B.4.a).(2). The quality of the GME learning and working environment within the Sponsoring Institution, each of the its ACGME-accredited programs, and its participating sites; (outcome)
- Use your program APE’s, ACGME resident and faculty surveys and other information that you collect.
I.B.4.a).(3). The quality of educational experiences in each ACGME-accredited program that lead to measureable achievement of educational outcomes as identified in the ACGME Common and specialty/subspecialty-specific Program Requirements; (outcome)
- While each program has specific outcomes, one measure that is common across all specialties is the board passage rate. Use this as one measure of success.
I.B.4.a).(4). The ACGME-accredited program(s) annual evaluation and improvement activities; and; (core)
- Make sure the GMEC reviews the program APE’s and holds them to their action plans.
I.B.4.a).(5). All processes related to reductions and closures of individual ACGME-accredited programs, major participating sites, and the Sponsoring Institution. (core)
- While GMEC’s tend to be very involved in the reduction or closure of programs, we tend to forget that we must also review and approve removal of or addition of a major participating site. Ideally, this should be done prior to using the new site.
I.B.4.b) Review and approval of:
There is a list of 13 items that must always be reviewed and approved by the GMEC that may be found in section I.B.4.b).(1) through I.B.4.b.(13). All of these items are core items, meaning that all GME programs must meet regardless of accreditation status.
- It is always a good idea to make sure that you are meeting all responsibilities by doing an annual review of your minutes or by tracking responsibilities in a grid or database.
- Feeling that your GMEC is in a slump? Listen to our GMEC Check –Up! webinar on-demand for inspiration, tips and tools to revive your GMEC.